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Happy Thanksgiving 2014

Today begins a season of Thanksgiving that culminates on Christmas Day and ends with the start of a New Year. Like many people during this time, I pause to reflect on those blessings that God has granted me.

Salvation by grace through the eternal sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the gift of faith to continue on. Though the outward advancement of the gospel by flawed human beings has not always lived up to Christ’s ideal, imagine how much worse off we would be without the influence of His inherent goodness upon us.

Forgiveness for the many flaws and shortcomings that I have.

A large, loving and supportive Southern family – both immediate and extended, living and deceased – a family who reminds me where we came from, who we are and how much we can help other people.

Continuing good health to accomplish all those things God has written for me to do.

Endless opportunities to be a good steward of my talents with family and friends, business and politics, church and charity.

The idea that America remains a shining city of freedom on a hill, that South Carolinians are stubbornly resistant to the erosion of our freedoms and that the mountains of Northern Greenville County is, without doubt, the finest place to live anywhere in the world.

Finally, I’m thankful for the small luxuries of life such as eating homemade sweet potato pie for breakfast on this cold Thanksgiving morning.